Wednesday, June 18, 2014

From The Land Of The Ice And Snow

The snow falling very actively right outside my back door! 
            I got off work a little early last night and went over to the Whistle Pig to hang out. Nate was already in there, so I joined him to talk about how work had been. The shift had been really busy for the first few hours, but after dinner it calmed down. By about ten there were only twelve check-ins left, so Emily let me leave early. After we’d been in the Whistle Pig for about an hour, someone came in and said that it was snowing outside. I’d seen in the weather report that they were predicting snow, but I didn’t believe it until I stepped outside and saw it. The temperature outside was in the thirties, or maybe even lower, and it was definitely snowing. I left a little before closing to come home to bed.
            Cristina and I slept in this morning- I’m off today and she didn’t go in until three. We stepped outside at about noon to see that the snow was still actively coming down. I think it might’ve stopped for a while in the morning, since there wasn’t too much on the ground, but it continued snowing until we were walking back to the dorm after lunch. Her being from Florida and me from Texas, we both couldn’t get over how crazy it was. I got my camera out and took some pictures and videos of it. I felt like I had to document it- June 18th, and it’s snowing!! I’ve heard that weather like this isn’t too uncommon here in the park, but it’s still amazing to me.
            I just got back from having dinner at the EDR with Cristina, Jesse and Tanner. Jesse and Tanner had both just gotten off work when I met them. Cristina said that tomorrow when she gets off work at three she’s going to go into town to get some more supplies for the little birthday party we’re having in the evening, and I said I’d join her. I’ve been wanting to go into town for a while to pick up a few things as well. Tanner will probably come too, since he’s off tomorrow.
            Later this evening I’m going to go over to the Whistle Pig to hang out, and Tanner will probably join me. I’m guessing Nate will be there too. That little place is such a great spot for employees to relax, hang out, and have fun with each other without being around the guests. I’m really glad that this awesome company provides us with somewhere like that. People from pretty much all the departments are in there regularly. I’ve seen most of my coworkers in there at least a few times, including my supervisors. But when we’re hanging in the Whistle Pig, they don’t really feel like supervisors since we’re not working or around the guests; we’re just people hanging out together. There are two pool tables and a jukebox in there, and we can get food and drinks for pretty cheap.
            Celebrating Cristina’s birthday tomorrow evening should be a lot of fun. I’m really glad that Nate was able to switch shifts so that he can be there with the rest of us. Tomorrow the weather’s supposed to clear up so we should be able to grill and spend time on the back porch in the evening. 

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